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16 vCores CPU, 32GB DDR4 ECC RAM, 400GB SSD NVMe PCIe, 50TB @ 2.5Gbps banda e traffico mensile, 1 indirizzo IPv4, 1 indirizzo IPv6

Opzioni extra disponibili

Run your network with our dual stack IP Transit (AS212271).
€5,00 EUR Mensile
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Accesso all'Internet Exchange del Sud Italia tramite connessione diretta dedicata.
€5,00 EUR Mensile
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Join C1V Hosting in supporting renewable energy and sustainability projects.
€25,00 EUR Una tantum
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Server specification update fee. By paying this fee, which cannot be canceled separately from the server, we will undertake to constantly inform you if a newer server is available to host your VPS, with included migration.
€1,00 EUR Mensile
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Activate this to obtain extra /48 IPv6 subnet on your server.
€6,00 EUR Mensile
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