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How to Enable TUN/TAP in Proxmox Containers Using a Bash Script



How to Enable TUN/TAP in Proxmox Containers Using a Bash Script

If you're managing virtual environments with Proxmox, you might find yourself needing to enable TUN/TAP for your containers. This guide will walk you through the process using the Bash script provided below, making it a breeze to set up TUN/TAP on your Proxmox containers. Let's dive in!


  • Proxmox Virtual Environment installed
  • SSH access to your Proxmox server
  • Basic understanding of Linux command line and containerization

The Bash Script

Here is the Bash script you'll be using:


# Check if the container ID is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <container-id>"
    exit 1


# Path to the Proxmox configuration for the container

# Check if the configuration file exists
if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_PATH" ]; then
    echo "Configuration file for container ID ${CONTAINER_ID} not found."
    exit 1

# Add the TUN/TAP device to the container's configuration
echo "lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:200 rwm" >> $CONFIG_PATH
echo "lxc.mount.entry = /dev/net/tun dev/net/tun none bind,create=file" >> $CONFIG_PATH

# Restart the container to apply changes
pct stop $CONTAINER_ID
pct start $CONTAINER_ID

echo "TUN/TAP device added to container ${CONTAINER_ID}"

Step by Step Guide

Now that you have the script, follow these steps to enable TUN/TAP in your Proxmox containers:

Step 2: Using the Script

  1. Access Your Server: SSH into your Proxmox server.
  2. Create the Script: Copy the provided script into a new file on your Proxmox server. You can use a text editor like nano or vim. Let's name it enable-tuntap.sh.
    nano enable-tuntap.sh
    Paste the script into the editor, then save and exit.
  3. Make it Executable: Change the script's permissions to make it executable.
    chmod +x enable-tuntap.sh
  4. Run the Script: Execute the script with the container ID as an argument.
    ./enable-tuntap.sh <container-id>
    Replace <container-id> with your actual container ID.
  5. Verification: After the script runs, you should see a confirmation message indicating that the TUN/TAP device has been added to your container.


Using this script, you can quickly and efficiently enable TUN/TAP on Proxmox containers, streamlining your virtual network configuration. This method is not only time-efficient but also reduces the chance of manual errors.

Remember, keeping scripts like these handy and understanding their functions can significantly enhance your efficiency as a network or system administrator.

  • lxc, tun tap, tun/tap, LXC Containers, lxc proxmox, proxmox lxc vpn, vpn lxc proxmox, ct proxmox tun
  • 114 Users Found This Useful
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